Hailey's On It! Wiki

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Hailey's On It! Wiki
Hailey's On It! Wiki


"Scott's on a Roll" is the first segment in the eighteenth episode in the first season of Hailey's On It!. It is also the thirty-third episode of the series overall and premiered on October 21, 2023 on Disney Channel.


Scott explains that he has always wanted to have a sandwich named after him at Deli Rubs, having admired other frequent customers who have managed to order one thousand sandwiches, resulting in them getting named sandwiches. Hailey reveals that she recalls when he made this declaration and that she too also thought it was "neat" and opted to include it on her list, despite being far behind Scott in how many sandwiches she has had. They arrive and meet the regulars, Peanut Butter Pam, BLTiana, Chicken Sal, No Tomato Tammy, Lil' Meatball, and Ruben, where Scott learns to his horror that Giuseppe, the original owner has sold the restaurant to Bill Board.

Bill reveals that he will still have sandwiches named after people, but rather than use a punch card, much to Scott's devastation, he will hold a contest of endurance after getting inspired by his step-daughter Vision to go viral. The contestants will stand atop the sandwich sign above the restaurant and must avoid falling into the pool of mustard below them, mainly because Bill is afraid of getting sued. Hailey and Scott agree to look after one another during the contest. They are also joined by A.C., Lucy, and various other people. Everyone quickly falls into the mustard pool below from Bill's distractions and challenges, except for Hailey, Scott, A.C., and a fourth guy.

The final challenge is that everyone must leave their hands up on a wire. Should they drop it, they will fall into the mustard below, something the fourth guy immediately fails at. Despite Bill saying there will be three winners, he changes his mind to having one person standing. Hailey asks A.C. to team up with her so that they can defeat Scott, but this turns out to be a ruse as Hailey forces A.C. to shake her hand, causing both of them to fall and making Scott the winner. Afterwards, Scott reveals that he named the sandwich after both of them, the Scott and Hailey Pastrami and Bay Leaf Sandwich, but it tastes awful.


Main Cast[]

Additional voices[]



  • It is revealed that Scott has a physical therapist.
  • Bill Board implies that he gets sued a lot.
  • In "Leather Jacket Hailey", Scott takes out a sandwich punch card when he sees Hailey wearing the leather jacket. The same card would later come to play in this episode.



  • This episode, along with "Bye Bye Birdies," was released a week early on VOD.
  • A two-minute clip of the episode was released early on Disney Channel's YouTube channel on October 17, 2023.


The transcript for this episode can be found here.


Hailey's On It! logo
The image gallery for Scott's On a Roll may be viewed here.


ve List of episodes
Season 1 1. "The Beginning of the Friend" • 2. "Beta'd and Hooked" • 3. "The Wild, Wild Mess" • 4. "The Last Sand • 5. "The Show Must Go Wrong • 6. "Cubix Dudes" • 7. "Cos-Played" • 8. "Road Trippin'" • 9. "Escape Doom" • 10. "The Flamingo Must Flamin-Go" • 11. "Splatter of the Bands" • 12. "Bringing Home the Beacon" • 13. "Dance Like No Mom Is Watching" • 14. "Kristine-ceañera" • 15. "The Puffle Kerfuffle" • 16. "Flippin' Out" • 17. "Smells Like Queen Spirit" • 18. "Catching Felines" • 19. "It's All Gonna Be Ok-Pop" • 20. "U.F.Whoa!" • 21. "Seas the Day" • 22. "Kissed Opportunities" • 23. "Sight for Dinosaur Eyes" • 24. "Along for the Slide" • 25. "Leather Jacket Hailey" • 26. "In a Pinch" • 27. "The Fart of War" • 28. "Who Let the Dogs Out? (Hailey)" • 29. "Beta's Gonna Hate" • 30. "The A-Maize-Ing Maze" • 31. "I Know What You Did Last Slumber" • 32. "Lady and the Trampoline" • 33. "Scott's On a Roll" • 34. "Bye Bye Birdies" • 35. "Frankly Fabulous" • 36. "The Pin is Mightier Than the Swole" • 37. "We Wish You a Merry Chaos-Mas" • 38. "Mer-Made in Oceanside" • 39. "Full House (of Bugs)" • 40. "The Umpire Strikes Back" • 41. "Magician: Impossible" • 42. "Bad Bear Day" • 43. "2001: A Spouse Odyssey" • 44. "The Saw-Shank Redemption" • 45. "No More Mr. Rice Guy" • 46. "When Squeeples Attack" • 47. "Cool Intentions" • 48. "Out of Body Slam Experience" • 49. "Get Whale Soon" • 50. "How Kristine Goat Her Groove Back" • 51. "Oceanside's 11" • 52. "Student of the Weak" • 53. "Smother Knows Best" • 54. "The Biggest Luger" • 55. "An Imposter Is Born" • 56. "I Wanna Dance with My Buddy"
Chibi Tiny Tales 1. Hailey's On The Disneyland Matterhorn • 2. Beta in Love • 3. Fortune Teller • 4. Science Unfair
Theme Song Takeover 1. Beta Theme Song Takeover • 2. Scott Theme Song Takeover