Hailey's On It! Wiki

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Hailey's On It! Wiki

This is a transcript for the Hailey's On It! episode "It's All Gonna Be OK-Pop".

[The sun has begun to set. Inside Hailey's bedroom, Beta uses a small camera to record Hailey and Scott dancing along to a K-pop song. While spinning, Scott loses balance and manages to land his head inside the basketball hoop above Hailey's trash can.]

Scott: Whoa!

Beta: "Help her save the world", they said. "It'll be rewarding", [he removes a tissue box from his head] they said.

[Scott removes himself from the hoop and stands upright.]

Scott: My bad, Hales, but these moves are hard. One step with the right, then one step with the left? Who can remember all that?

Hailey: Scott, that's how you walk. Like, every day.

Scott: [he walks as he says] No, I do left foot-right foot, not right foot-left foot. Wait, do I? Is this right?

[His walking leads him to trip and fall. Beta sighs and shakes his head. Hailey helps Scott up.]

Hailey: Yeah. Let's try to nail this down. Because winning this online contest is our only chance to see Seoul M8s. [she squeals]

Beta: It's also your only [he runs some calculations] chance to accomplish list item #522: Meet Cute Jun from Seoul M8s.

[Hailey walks Scott back to the center of her room.]

Hailey: The fate of my world depends on me meeting Cute Jun.

Scott: You mean the fate of the world.

Hailey: Oh, yeah, right. [she chuckles embarrassedly] Exactly. So, we gotta ace these dance moves, Scott. Just think back to the first parkour move you nailed.

Scott: Nailed. Yeah. That totally already happened. Mm-hm.

[Hailey replays the music from her phone, and Beta restarts recording. They perform the following moves perfectly, until Scott winks at the camera.]

Scott: Backflip!

[Scott attempts a backflip, but fails and instead hits Hailey's bookshelf. A book lands on him.]

Scott: Ow. [another lands on him] Ow. [another lands on him] Ow. [a pile of varying sizes of large books fall on him] Ow.

[Beta chuckles. He uploads the video to the contest. The moment of Scott's failed backflip shows on his screen.]

Hailey: Wait, Beta, we can't post that.

Beta: Yeah, too late. I'll just hack the view count later.

[The moment of Scott's failed backflip continues to replay on Beta's screen as the views surge.]

Beta: Hang on. Oh, your video is getting all kinds of views, on its own.

Hailey: Ha! [she holds Scott's shoulders] People like our video? Wait, [she lets go] why do people like our video?

[Beta reads through some comments.]

Beta: "Who's that cute guy w/ the epic fail?" "Adorable much?" "Hottie McHott Mess!!"

Hailey: Scott, your disaster is helping us get tons of views!

Scott: Well, you know what they say: "if you're gonna fail, fail to succeed".

Beta: No one says that.

[On Beta's screen, an envelope appears. It then opens to show the text "CONGRATULATIONS HAILEY AND SCOTT".]

Announcer: Congrats, Hailey and Scott. [the text onscreen changes to what the announcer says next] You are the Seoul M8s contest [the text onscreen changes to what the announcer says next] winners!

[Hailey and Scott hold each other and spin around. They, in doing so, knock over Beta.]

Hailey, Scott: Yes!

Beta: Seriously?

Hailey, Scott: We're going to the concert!

[Scene changes to in the living room. Hailey talks one-on-one to her mom.]

Patricia: No, you're not going to the concert. Hailey, you promised to babysit Dwayne and Johnson tonight, remember?

[Zoom in to Hailey's mortified face. Zoom in to a date on a calendar, labeled "Babysit Twins", "Very important!", and "DO NOT FORGET". Zoom out from Hailey.]

Hailey: Oh, right.

Patricia: But don't worry, they're easy.

[Dwayne and Johnson use Scott as a base to slide down the stairs. Scott tries to chase the two. They slide to the right, but the twins slide faster and trip Scott. They then run on top of him. Kai Banks, trying to tie his tie, walks over Scott without stepping on him.]

Hailey: But, Mom! I won front-row passes. I have to go.

Patricia: Sorry, I've got a work meeting tonight that I cannot miss. That's why your father has to go to the school PTA meeting.

Kai: Right, the infamously boring PTA meeting. [he groans] I look like a CEO in this tie.

Patricia: Don't worry, honey. Your shorts say otherwise. [to Hailey] I'm sorry, Hailey, but you can't shirk your responsibilities to go to a concert.

[This frustrates Hailey.]

Hailey: Ugh! Of course you don't understand. You're always so… so…

[This tries Patricia.]

Patricia: So what?

[Kai intervenes.]

Kai: The answer is beautiful. [he winks] So beautiful.

Hailey: No, so boring. [she points at Patricia] You're never fun.

Patricia: It's not my job to be fun. My job-

Kai: Is a real estate agent. Hoo! I'm on fire today.

[Hailey grumbles. Patricia does the same, then sighs.]

Patricia: Hailey, part of growing up is being responsible, and tonight [Dwayne and Johnson continue to play roughly with Scott] that means taking care of the boys.

[She places down a large notebook with a picture of Dwayne and Johnson on the back cover.]

Patricia: I wrote down the essentials.

[Hailey gasps. Patricia adjusts Kai's tie.]

Patricia: Well, this is the last time you dress yourself. And those shoes? Really?

[Kai wiggles his toes.]

Kai: At least my feet will be comfortable tonight.

[Patricia sighs. She picks up her handbag and leaves with Kai.]

Patricia: Be good. Love you.

[They both enter their cars and drive off. Scott rises from behind the couch with the twins in his hands.]

Scott: Bummer. What now? [he sets Dwayne and Johnson on the couch] We can't see Seoul M8s and babysit. [he climbs over the couch near Hailey]

Hailey: Or can we?

[Scott makes a seemingly understanding face.]

Scott: I dunno. Can we?

Hailey: Yes. We're taking the twins to the concert with us.

Scott: Oh. Cool, but how are we gonna get them in?

[Dwayne and Johnson gnarl on separate ends of a pillow.]

Hailey: Don't worry. I've got an idea.

[Scene changes to the concert. Two lankily-built men wiggle awkwardly, as if in disguise, through the entrance. Their shoes and pants resemble Hailey's and Scott's. As they are scanned by security, Hailey and Scott pass through with Dwayne and Johnson in pouches strapped to their chests.]

Scott: Wow, Hailey, brilliant idea to call ahead and confirm kids under five get in free. [he high-fives Hailey]

[Hailey and Scott place sunglasses on their faces, then place two more pairs on Dwayne's and Johnson's. As they walk ahead, they show their passes, and the man by the gate allows them entry.]

Hailey: [she squeals] I can't believe we're actually here!

Scott: Yeah. [he stretches his hands out] But it's really dark. Bit of a safety hazard. Oh, wait, [he removes his glasses] never mind.

[The crowd cheers at the concert. Hailey brings out a folded sheet of paper.]

Hailey: Okay, Scott, remember the plan. [she unfolds the paper to reveal a detailed plan of how to meet Cute Jun] Approximately one minute into their first song, each Seoul M8 member will choose a fan from the audience to join them onstage. Cute Jun is always positioned center-left. Not left. Center-left. We will do his dance perfectly, down to the butt wiggle. Not a butt shake, a butt wiggle. The dance will get his attention, so he'll pick me to come onstage, and my life's dream will be complete! Ah!

[Hailey stares dreamily ahead. Scott waves his hand in front of her face a few times to regain her attention.]

Scott: And the list item will be done, too.

Hailey: The what? Oh, yeah, right. [she chuckles] Win-win. [she chuckles]

[The concert begins, and everyone cheers.]

Announcer: And now, please welcome to the stage, Seoul M8s! [foreign language]

[Hailey cheers.]

Announcer: First up, Respectful Ryung!

[The first of the Seoul M8s, Respectful Ryung, removes his hat, winks, and removes a flower from inside it. One girl in the audience sighs and sinks down to the ground.]

Announcer: Next up, Magnetic Min!

[Magnetic Min bows and holds a flower. A girl in the audience cheers.]

Announcer: This third guy's the charm. It's Charming Chan-Hui!

[Charming Chan-Hui blows a kiss to the audience. They cheer, and Hailey shakes Scott excitedly.]

Announcer: Dare I say who's next? It's Daring Dae-Han!

[Daring Dae-Han holds a flower, lowers his glasses, and watches it catch on blue fire. He throws it into an audience member's cup; the drink engulfs its flame.]

Hailey: Let's get on with it!

Announcer: And last but not least, he's handsome, he's a hoot, and he can kind of play the flute: Cute Jun!

[Cute Jun turns to face the audience, with a rose in his mouth. He spins all the way to the front of the stage and winks. Hailey and Scott both scream excitedly.]

Scott: Uh, pretty sure that wink was for me, Hales.

[The Seoul M8s begin dancing and singing in a foreign language.]

The Seoul M8s: [singing] Pick up the mission

Seoul M8s everyday we're staying winning

Don't let your feet stop

When the beat drops like ooh

Only got one thing to do

All you gotta do is dance

Da da da

Da da da

Da da da

[foreign language]

[The Seoul M8s continue singing as Hailey talks to Scott.]

Hailey: [gasps] Scott, it's go time.

Scott: Aw. But we just got here. And I just bought a pretzel.

Hailey: No, I mean let's start the plan. First, secure the twins.

[Hailey and Scott use two belts to secure Dwayne and Johnson Banks to the gate separating the audience from the stage.]

Scott: Goodbye, pretzel.

[He drops the pretzel above Dwayne and Johnson, and they feast on their halves.]

Scott: I hardly knew ye.

[Hailey and Scott dance along in sync to the Seoul M8s.]

The Seoul M8s: [singing] Knowing all your feelings are forever

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, but your spark

Making my heart go zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom

[When Cute Jun slides on the stage, Hailey finds difficulty in replicating that in the crowded audience. She runs across to keep up.]

Scott: Don't worry, Hales. I'll get his attention with this sick backflip!

[He once again attempts and fails at performing a backflip, this time crashing into and over the gate. This gets Cute Jun's attention. He looks toward Scott, then locks eyes with Hailey.]

The Seoul M8s: [singing] I need you in my life

Don't wanna picture you [unintelligible]

[After they smile at each other, Cute Jun takes a rose from inside his shirt and throws it across in Hailey's direction. As another person approaches to catch it, Hailey elbows them in the stomach, sending them to the ground. Hailey catches the rose. Scott has reentered.]

Scott, Hailey: We're gonna meet Cute Jun!

Hailey: Quick, grab the twins. Maybe he'll sign one of them for us.

[Scott walks over to where he and Hailey left Dwayne and Johnson to find unoccupied belts.]

Scott: Uh, Hailey?

[Hailey gasps and drops the rose. She bends down and sees that they have crawled into the audience. She stands back upright.]

Hailey: We have to find them!

[She approaches the two identical tall men from earlier.]

Hailey: Um, would you kind, tall gentlemen be willing to give me a boost?

[The men look to each other, then to Hailey. They nod.]

Men: Mm-hm.

[Hailey lifts herself up, and the men use their arms under their sleeves to propel her high into the audience. Many hands are conveniently open to catch her.]

Scott: Okay, you go high, I'll go low.

[Scott crawls under the audience, meanwhile, the audience moves Hailey above as the Seoul M8s continue singing.]

Hailey: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[Scott is stepped on squarely in the back. He shouts.]

Hailey: [she gasps] Holy mother of… me!

[From her view, Hailey can see her mom in the crowd, excitedly screaming with two friends.]

Hailey: Guys, surf me the other way.

[The audience begins moving Hailey toward Patricia.]

Hailey: No, your other other way!

[They turn her around and move her away from Patricia.]

Hailey: Whew.

Scott: Hey, Hales! [he stands up]

Hailey: Scott, my mom is here. Having fun.

Scott: Having fun? Are you sure it's your mom?

Hailey: Any luck finding Dwayne and Johnson?

Scott: Not yet, but maybe we can ask those kids on stage.

[Hailey looks to the stage and sees the twins dancing onstage with the Seoul M8s.]

Hailey: [gasps] The twins! Team, get me to the stage.

[The audience throws Hailey toward the stage. She gradually moves closer in slow motion.]

Hailey: [slow-motion] Yeah!

[Hailey lands face-first on the ground near the stage. She sits up and rubs her head. Just then, she looks up and sees Cute Jun outstretching his hand to her. She takes his hand and climbs to the stage. Her wristband chimes and its screen glows green. The twins walk to Hailey. Hailey squats down and puts her arms around them. She then stands up straight, and Cute Jun holds her arm, kisses her hand, and gives her a rose. When he walks away, Hailey dreamily falls to the ground. Dwayne and Johnson play with the flowers from the Seoul M8s. Scott has joined Hailey onstage.]

[Hailey and Scott walk off of the stage with Dwayne and Johnson in tow.]

Hailey: Tonight was perfect. Minus that little hiccup where I lost two humans. Now we just gotta get out of here before we run into my-

[Hailey turns around to face the front and bumps into Patricia, who crosses her arms.]

Hailey: Mom!

Patricia: [angrily] Hailey!

Scott: Oh, Hailey, I can't believe your mom is here. And she looks so-

[Hailey takes over.]

Hailey: …beautiful. She's so beautiful.

Patricia: I am disappointed in you, Hailey. This was really irresponsible.

Hailey: You're right, Mom. I'm sorry. I was selfish and shouldn't have put Dwayne and Johnson at risk, and- hey, wait! You said you had a meeting tonight! Why are you here? [gasps] Is this why you made Dad go to that boring PTA meeting at school?

[Scott laughs.]

Scott: It's kind of funny. Your mom lied to her soul mate to come see the Seoul M8s.

[Unamused, Hailey and Patricia glare at Scott. He quickly turns and bends to Dwayne's and Johnson's level.]

Scott: Okay, not as funny as I thought. Read the room, Scott. [he sighs] Read the room.

Patricia: Well, since the boys are safe and they clearly had a good time, maybe it's best if we just never speak of this night to anyone. Ever. Especially your father.

Hailey: It'll be our [she winks] secret.

[The Seoul M8s are still onstage. Cute Jun begins playing the flute off-key.]

Patricia: He's really not great on the flute.

Hailey: He's lucky he's cute.

Patricia: Mm-hm.

[Cute Jun continues playing the flute. Cut to the Banks Residence, where the living room is lit. With a storybook open, Hailey and Patricia sit with Dwayne and Johnson. Kai enters.]

Kai: Well, well, well. Looks like I'm the last one in. [he removes his tie] Makes sense with the crazy night I had. Kareem spilled his coffee on Yolie, who was wearing white, if you can believe it!

[While Kai continues talking, one of the twins turns on the TV, which airs the Seoul M8s concert. Both of the twins are shown dancing with the Seoul M8s. This amuses the twins.]

Kai: And then Alice laughed so hard she snorted out her coffee, on Kareem. Which is funny because Kareem started the whole thing!

[As Kai laughs and sits down on an armchair, Hailey quickly turns off the TV just as Patricia appears.]

Kai: Apparently, it was a pretty hot cup of coffee, so Yolie's out of commission for a while.

[Dwayne and Johnson crawl to the front and begin performing the dance they did with the Seoul M8s.]

Kai: Oh, and I was nominated for vice president of PTA. Man, tonight was epic!

Hailey: Sounds pretty crazy, Dad.

Patricia: We sure missed out.

[Kai notices the twins dancing.]

Kai: Oh, where'd they learn that?

[Hailey and Patricia look at each other.]

Patricia, Hailey: Preschool!

Kai: The stuff they teach kids these days. [he laughs, then stands up] Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. [he approaches the stairs] Good night, family.

[He walks upstairs as Hailey and Patricia wave. When he is gone, the TV is turned on and the concert is put on. Patricia, Hailey, Dwayne, and Johnson, with the sunglasses from the concert, dance in front of the living room. With an outer shot of the house, and with the living room still lit, the episode ends there.]

[The end credits for "Catching Felines" and "It's All Gonna Be OK-Pop" roll, with "Dance (Da Da Da Da)" by Onestar in the background.]

PREVIOUS: Catching Felines/Transcript

NEXT: U.F. Whoa!/Transcript
