Beta is the tritagonist of Hailey's On It!. He is an artificially intelligent operating system from the future and the best friend of Hailey Banks and Scott Denoga. Together, they try to overcome challenges to save their town and the world. HistoryMain article: Beta/History
AppearancePhysicalBeta is naturally a small blue phone-like device who Hailey has put in the body of one of her stuffed animals, with ears that are at like bear ears. His paint color is light purple with tan inside of the ears. His display screen is dark blue-ish with cyan colored simplistic face of two eyes and a mouth. Attire
PersonalityBeta is a short-tempered, yet hyper-intelligent smartphone from the future with A.I. capabilities way beyond present-day technology. The Professor brought Beta to Hailey with the sole mission of helping her complete The List. His features include a digital copy of the list and an advanced probability calculator to help determine the optimal order to complete the list items. Without Beta’s help, it would be nearly impossible to complete all the items in time. Beta takes himself very seriously, even though Hailey and Scott sometimes can’t because of the cuddly robot-bear “body” Hailey built for him. He goes with Hailey everywhere she goes and assures her to stay on-task while doing whatever it takes to get the job done. However, he doesn't always assist Hailey when she needs him as he has other hobbies and interests. While he won't admit it, he does take pleasure in being seen as adorable and likes being tended to. He considers Hailey is primary caregiver, since she’s the one who invents his technology in the year 2043 and since he has a superiority complex and is unimpressed with humans in general, he finds Scott to be an absolute nuisance, always ripping on him. When other people are around he’s just a regular toy. But when they’re not, he’s part of the group. Beta was only programmed for this particular mission, so he has a very limited knowledge of future events, which Hailey finds super annoying. AbilitiesTalents
RelationshipsMain article: Beta/Relationships
AppearancesMemorable Quotes