Hailey's On It! Wiki

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Hailey's On It! Wiki

"Best Friends" is a song performed by the Puffles duo, Thacher and Kiley, in the episode "The Puffle Kerfuffle". Scott Denoga and Hailey Banks also performed it together with Thacher and Kiley as part of their reunion show.


You're my pal, my bud, my buckaroo
We're inseparable like glue on glue
One thing will always be true
We're best friends, besties, BFFs
That's never ever ever gonna change
'Cause best friends, besties don't forget
That you and me will always be best friends

ve Songs
Theme song The Future's in My Hands
Season 1 Born for ThisI'll Never Lose You BabyKiss Your FriendYou Fit Me PerfectlyDance (Da Da Da Da)
Miscellaneous Best FriendsBeta Theme Song TakeoverScott Theme Song TakeoverHailey's On It Theme Song Takeover