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Hailey's On It! Wiki


"Bad Bear Day" is the first segment in the twenty-third episode of the first season of Hailey's On It!. It is also the forty-second episode of the season overall. It premiered on March 30, 2024 on Disney Channel.


Hailey and Scott are hanging out at the Oceanside carnival looking at old and outdated items, much to Beta's confusion who cannot understand their interests. When the Carnie asks if they are just going to stand and stare at his wares, he deduces that they want something more hidden, and pulls out some behind the counter items. Among them is a banned hair gel called Honey Doo, the same gel Scott used that turned Hailey onto him. The reason for the hair gel getting banned is because it scent is enough to attract bears. Scott throws caution to the wind and puts it on, resulting in everyone around him, including Hailey, to immediately find him attractive again.

At school, Scott is approached by Tommy D, a popular boy with similarly gorgeous hair. He is asked to join "The Rotunda", a supposed secret club within the school for students with great "natural" hair. Hailey realizes that this could complete her list item of getting into the Rotunda, but Beta tells her that the next item for her to complete is to be a candy bar, much to her annoyance. When at the entrance, Hailey is denied entry due to her "split ends" and Scott, rather ignorantly, tells her that he will see her later. The Rotunda turns out to be a haven for all "pretty" students with Scott telling Hailey over the phone that he isn't sure if he can get her in due to their strict rules.

A bear, named Roscoe, is being transported by Chainsaw suddenly breaks loose and rampages through the school. Hailey is forced to break into the Rotunda using a dumbwaiter and warns the kids. When Roscoe breaks into the club, Hailey turns on the sprinkler system, washing the Honey Doo from Scott's hair and taming Roscoe, with Chainsaw coming in and decrying how he does this "every week". Hailey and Scott are shocked to find that the other members also use Honey Doo. Scott apologizes for how he acted, but Hailey is happy she completed her Rotunda list, only for her to slip into a chocolate fountain and mix to become a candy bar, making Beta happy.


Main Cast[]

Additional voices[]



  • The title of this episode is a reference to the saying, "bad hair day."
  • While this is not the first time "Weird Al" Yankovic has guest starred on Hailey's On It, this is the first time he has appeared as himself on the show.


  • This episode shows the reason why Hailey fell in love with Scott, due to the hair gel he was using.
    • It also reveals that the reason why the hair gel was recalled because it was made from Honey, which attracts bears.


The transcript for this episode can be found here.


Hailey's On It! logo
The image gallery for Bad Bear Day may be viewed here.


ve List of episodes
Season 1 1. "The Beginning of the Friend" • 2. "Beta'd and Hooked" • 3. "The Wild, Wild Mess" • 4. "The Last Sand • 5. "The Show Must Go Wrong • 6. "Cubix Dudes" • 7. "Cos-Played" • 8. "Road Trippin'" • 9. "Escape Doom" • 10. "The Flamingo Must Flamin-Go" • 11. "Splatter of the Bands" • 12. "Bringing Home the Beacon" • 13. "Dance Like No Mom Is Watching" • 14. "Kristine-ceañera" • 15. "The Puffle Kerfuffle" • 16. "Flippin' Out" • 17. "Smells Like Queen Spirit" • 18. "Catching Felines" • 19. "It's All Gonna Be Ok-Pop" • 20. "U.F.Whoa!" • 21. "Seas the Day" • 22. "Kissed Opportunities" • 23. "Sight for Dinosaur Eyes" • 24. "Along for the Slide" • 25. "Leather Jacket Hailey" • 26. "In a Pinch" • 27. "The Fart of War" • 28. "Who Let the Dogs Out? (Hailey)" • 29. "Beta's Gonna Hate" • 30. "The A-Maize-Ing Maze" • 31. "I Know What You Did Last Slumber" • 32. "Lady and the Trampoline" • 33. "Scott's On a Roll" • 34. "Bye Bye Birdies" • 35. "Frankly Fabulous" • 36. "The Pin is Mightier Than the Swole" • 37. "We Wish You a Merry Chaos-Mas" • 38. "Mer-Made in Oceanside" • 39. "Full House (of Bugs)" • 40. "The Umpire Strikes Back" • 41. "Magician: Impossible" • 42. "Bad Bear Day" • 43. "2001: A Spouse Odyssey" • 44. "The Saw-Shank Redemption" • 45. "No More Mr. Rice Guy" • 46. "When Squeeples Attack" • 47. "Cool Intentions" • 48. "Out of Body Slam Experience" • 49. "Get Whale Soon" • 50. "How Kristine Goat Her Groove Back" • 51. "Oceanside's 11" • 52. "Student of the Weak" • 53. "Smother Knows Best" • 54. "The Biggest Luger" • 55. "An Imposter Is Born" • 56. "I Wanna Dance with My Buddy"
Chibi Tiny Tales 1. Hailey's On The Disneyland Matterhorn • 2. Beta in Love • 3. Fortune Teller • 4. Science Unfair
Theme Song Takeover 1. Beta Theme Song Takeover • 2. Scott Theme Song Takeover